Finding a Deeper Well: The Evolution of Your Twenties

When I first listened to “Deeper Well” by Kacey Musgraves I had just turned 20. I was driving up North to Oregon when my brother played this song and I was quickly drawn in by its poetic lyrics. This song serves as my inspiration – an outlet that gives my emotions the chance to materialize. I resonated with it on such a personal level that I could feel my internal conflicts rising to the surface, waiting to be seen and transformed. “Deeper Well” perfectly examines the theme of self discovery and paving the way for a new frontier. 

Turning 20 felt like the next chapter in my life – although not much change occurs from 19 to 20, this next decade sounded so revolutionary. There is a lot of ambiguity in your twenties. It is a time of becoming; an era in everyone’s life that is crucial to the evolution of our identities, constantly shaping the immeasurable potential of all you were, are and could be. 

“The things I was taught only took me so far. I had to figure the rest out myself.” There is no rigid outline of how we are supposed to go about things; my parents could only guide me for so long until I realized that there are just some skills that can’t be taught – relationships, tough conversations, or simply figuring out what we like. This is a time of experiencing and taking things as they come. Immersing yourself and figuring it out on the way. 

“For a while it got me by. Everything I did seemed better when I was high. I don’t know why. So I’m getting rid of the habits that I feel are real good at wasting my time.” I’ve only been 20 for five months but I’ve learned that the comfort I seek will only get me as far as where I started. I yearn for something greater, something out of reach – there comes a time when you need to wake up to the reality of where your habits are leading to and become more intentional. 

“It’s natural when things lose their shine, so other things can glow.” There was a time in my recent past where I silenced my own intuition, in hopes that I could forever cling on to what I didn’t want to lose. Familiarity is so stable, but as I get older I begin to trust in myself more to navigate through the uncertainty with progressiveness and an open mind. The rejection we face in our twenties can feel detrimental. At such a young age I can only know what I’ve experienced. Moments of pain, embarrassment and failure can feel so heavy – but our twenties are just a dress rehearsal for the rest of our life. 

With every experience I find a deeper meaning within myself. Every relationship in my life, whether it be with a person or to material things, is a mirror of the relationship I have with myself. I am learning to carefully choose who I let into my life and understand my reactions to the things I cannot control. But to be in your twenties is to learn what makes you happy, 

becoming in tune with yourself but most importantly: to experience. Wherever you go, there you are; it’s as simple as that. 

“I’ve gotten older. Now I know how to take care of myself. I’ve found a deeper well.”


The October Theory