Relatable and Rewatchable: Comfort Shows

The plane crash in Grey's Anatomy remains, to this day, one of the most shocking things I have ever watched. From the build-up, the episodes after, and all the characters trying to survive, you just had to be there. Regardless of how those episodes shocked me to my core, I have gone back to them several times. I’ve watched Grey’s several times, but I know that I have probably seen Friends triple that amount; I could probably recite every single line from every episode. I watch these shows when I'm happy, sad, or just need some noise. I started binge-watching TV shows from the time I was able to get the Netflix password. More recently, I started watching Sex and the City. I've never watched it before, but I needed to know if I'm a Samantha or a Charlotte.

My friend started watching at the same time as me, and while I was always a couple of episodes ahead of her, it was fun to have someone to watch the show with. We both agreed that one thing we really enjoyed about the show was how easy it was to watch. Things were happening to the characters, and the plot was moving along, but I could go on my phone for a second or do some homework without completely losing the plot. It's a show that I know I will go back to because I enjoyed my time watching it, even though every single choice Carrie made made me want to scream. 

I feel the same way with Friends, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, Game of Thrones, and Parks and Recreation. These are shows I have seen over and over, and I never get tired of them. I love returning to my favorite shows because it's easy and predictable. I know what is going to happen and how it gets resolved. I love watching new shows, especially when I find ones that I really love, but there is an ease to going back to what I know and love.

With social media, there is this pressure to marry young, have kids, and get your life all figured out by 30. Now, I'm sure it's possible, but it’s not realistic for everyone. In TV shows, if the characters got married right away, the show would be boring. I would not want to watch a show about single people in their twenties getting married in season three. They start the show at 25 and finish in their late thirties, and that's when marriages and kids start. There is something relaxing about seeing characters who you have watched struggle to get to where they are and have it all be worth it, knowing that will happen to you, too. The term comfort show is not new, but I wanted to know what people had to say about their comfort shows.

Mackenna K. - Gilmore Girls
“I started watching Gilmore Girls in 2017 and have never stopped. I say it’s a comfort show because every era of the show relates to a different thing she goes through in life. For example, I only watched seasons 4-5 when I was starting college because it was what I was going through. I believe people have comfort shows to have entertainment that takes their minds off of real life and is not overwhelming or takes too much attention.”

Ellie E. - The Good Place
“I think I was in high school, so probably four or five years ago, and I watched it last night. At this point, I basically have the whole show memorized, so it's nice to have background noise without needing to fully pay attention. I think comfort shows are a good distraction when we're having a rough time.”

Arely G. - Greys Anatomy, Friends, Working Moms
“I started about three years ago and ended last month. It never gets old and changes enough to keep me engaged. To help relax and do something that you don’t have to be super attentive towards.”

Madie T. - How I Met Your Mother, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, New Girl
“I started watching How I Met Your Mother in 4th grade, and I’m currently rewatching it. It’s funny and easy to watch as a background show; it’s not scary, so I can watch it at night or while doing homework. Comfort shows remind people of good memories and good times. It’s not serious, but it’s beloved.”

Madeline B. - Pretty Little Liars
“I started watching two weeks ago, and my last watch was in high school. I love the plot, and it feels nostalgic. It feels comforting to watch a show when you know what is going to happen.”

SG - Sex and the City, Grey’s Anatomy 
“Started watching Grey’s in fourth grade. Started watching Sex and the City this year. I’m not sure; I just love it, and it’s low effort. To ground us.”

Stephanie S - Schitts Creek
“I first watched it a few years ago, and I’m rewatching it right now! It’s absolutely hilarious, and it just gets funnier with time. Something familiar to go back on when you’re bored, or you have nothing to do, old reliable.”

Jasmine - New Girl
“Starting watching in 7th grade. Because I’ve watched every episode multiple times, and they still hit. To be able to just disassociate from life and watch it.”

Fiona T. - Yuri on Ice, Hannibal
“I started watching Yuri on Ice in 2016, and I started Hannibal in 2022. I like the characters and themes for similar reasons, likely because of the fandoms and fan culture surrounding both of these cultures.”

Meya R. - Grey’s Anatomy
“I started watching about eight years ago! The last watch was about six months ago. It’s nostalgic for me, as well as a really good show (minus the newer seasons, lol)! I feel like you can always catch something new or learn more about a character every time I watch it. I would say because of the positive emotions we attach to these shows! Also, it’s always good to have one, and you can always go back and watch if nothing else is as good!”

Isabel - Friends, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones
“I started Friends and Game of Thrones in high school and just watched Breaking Bad for the first time this past fall. I love the characters and am able to watch the shows in the background while doing other things I need to do. because you already know you like the show and might want to rewatch iconic scenes again.”

As you can tell, people watched similar comfort shows and had similar reasons for watching. Comfort shows are TV that you can watch no matter the weather. It's nice to go back to a show that will keep you entertained and feels familiar. It's like going to your favorite coffee shop in your hometown. The place is the same, but you are different. Each time I rewatch a show, I'm a different person than the last time I watched it. When I started Friends, I was about 12. Now I rewatch, and I'm 21. It's crazy that I'm so much closer in age to all the characters now. So much of what they have experienced, I have as well. 

When I turn off the TV or shut my computer, the show ends, but my life continues. I take the lessons I learned in the show and apply them to my real life. As a child watching grown-ups in their twenties, there wasn't much room to copy, but now that I am entering a new stage of my life, I see each of these shows as little life lessons. Now, a lot of these shows are outdated, and some of their opinions are far-fetched in our day and age. But still, you can apply them to your life in ways you couldn't before. Going back to watch these shows brings nostalgia, but it also shows me how far I've come from when I first pressed play.


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