What’s On Your Bedside Table?

When it comes to your room, most people have the essential furniture: your bed, a place to store your clothes, maybe a bookshelf, and almost always a desk or bedside table. I’ve noticed, when visiting friends' homes and seeing how they decorate their room, that sometimes, a bedside table can completely encapsulate who you are as a person. 

So what does your bedside table say about you? Do some people leave it bare and bland, keeping it as clean as possible? Or do others pile on things that represent their identity, and take pride in decorating that space. Some may simply just keep what’s on their bedside table items that are just for necessity,  with no significant, personal meaning at all. So what does your bedside table say about you?

I don’t have a bedside table at all, however, my desk might as well count because it is right next to my bed. I usually keep a vase of flowers, along with a mirror and some books that I tend to like rereading. Even though I do think my desk is somewhat aesthetically pleasing, you don’t fully receive the full picture of who I am, besides the fact that I like flowers (who doesn’t like flowers), and I like to read. 

However, maybe that does say something about who you are as a person, if you choose to keep your bedside table a certain look for certain reasons. If you keep only necessities on your bedside table or only what’s convenient, then maybe it means that you’re not one to subscribe to decorations or items that represent who you are physically. 

Others however, like Maya McLeroy, keep a bedside table that tells you a mini story of who they are as a person. On Maya’s desk she keeps tulips from her boyfriend, crystals her mom gave her, and a perfume she bought in Paris. Everything above it includes prints from everything she loves. Dried flowers from her first bouquet in her apartment, play bills, notes people have written her, reminders she writes for herself, and a photo booth photo she took with her two best friends which accidentally only captured her. This desk setup is a sneak peek into her life and a small culmination of what she loves. 

So whether you keep your bedside table bland and boring, simple with simple necessities, or bound up in a bundle of artifacts from your life, know that it may just show how you choose to physically represent yourself, and any choice is perfectly fine! 


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